Flying by to say…

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Hi there! Got a quick little post here for you today. It’s a decently simple card where most of the work is the coloring!


This card took a little over an hour to make and it’s pretty easy. The skill is mostly in coloring and ink blending, and that’s something anyway can get good at with practice.

Continue reading “Flying by to say…”

HA January card sketch – Blooming!

Not having a lot of time to do everything on the (want) to do list can be rather stressful when you want to relax and craft! But when I get to craft, it can be uplifting!


Since I don’t have a lot of time to make this January card sketch, I kept is simple and easy. This card only took about 30-45 minutes to make.

Continue reading “HA January card sketch – Blooming!”

Get the message?

Hi to anyone that reads my craft blog! Happy New Year: 2020!

Normally I double blog, that is, I write the same post in Dutch for Hobby Alternatief (HA) and in English for my personal craft blog here. However, the last post was about my favorite (craft) tools, and I only wrote that for HA. I figured that I could translate it another time. But for the time being, here is a link to the post in Dutch: Emma’s favoriete craft tools! Even if you don’t understand Dutch, you could at least see the pictures! (Or use the nifty google translate tool on the side.) Continue reading “Get the message?”

Candy Cane Cross-stitch Christmas Card

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Hello again! It is almost Christmas time and I thought I would make a Christmas card. This time, the task was to use thread/string/yarn on a card. I decided to do some cross stitching.


This card took a very long time to make: about 8 hours! It’s not difficult per-se, because to me, cross stitching is pretty easy, and one gets faster the more you do it. I do not do it often, so that is part of the reason it took me so long on this project.

Continue reading “Candy Cane Cross-stitch Christmas Card”


Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie!

Happy Thursdays dear crafters! Ever since I started my new (nearly full-time) job in July, I haven’t been able to craft as much as I want to!  But I am doing my best to post every 2 weeks for Hobby Alternatief, and of course for this blog. Anyway, on to the card!


This card uses masking techniques to get the different colors and is moderately easy to make, but having a stamping tool will help greatly! It took me about 2 hours to finish.

Continue reading “Hello…sketch!”

Snow globe shaker

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I worked at PostNL (postal service in the Netherlands) for nearly two years. The busiest time is always around Christmas. Even with the invention of the Internet and electronic mail, people still enjoy sending Christmas cards.


Today, the task’s theme for Hobby Alternatief is “Christmas”, so I decided to make a Christmas/winter card. I would categorize this card under “advanced” because I use a lot of techniques and tools that most beginner cardmakers would not have. The card itself didn’t take long to make, but the snow globe did take about an hour to make.

Continue reading “Snow globe shaker”

Happy New Home

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I heard that the interest rates are really low, and that’s why lots of houses (in the Netherlands) are being sold so quickly! A friend and his girlfriend also bought a house recently and I made a card for them. But before I get into the card, I’d like to thank those that have commented (and also for the likes on Facebook) on my last post/card I made that was for Chinese New Year.


So, what do I have here? A small house with a filigree heart! The card took a few hours to make because I  was thinking up the “new” technique which I’ll explain later and also designed the card on my computer. So I think this may be an advanced card, but I’ll tell you how I made this card and perhaps it won’t be hard afterwards. Continue reading “Happy New Home”

A card for Lunar New Year

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Lunar New Year is not until January 25th, 2020.  However, I thought I get ahead this time and make a card for my family!


This card follows a sketch is actually not very difficult, but I personally felt it was difficult because I had to measure a lot of things. Not that measuring is hard, but I’m a perfectionist and I like things to be exact! So overall, this card took me nearly two hours to make. I’m sure someone less of a perfectionist would do this a lot quicker.

Continue reading “A card for Lunar New Year”