Candy Cane Cross-stitch Christmas Card

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Hello again! It is almost Christmas time and I thought I would make a Christmas card. This time, the task was to use thread/string/yarn on a card. I decided to do some cross stitching.


This card took a very long time to make: about 8 hours! It’s not difficult per-se, because to me, cross stitching is pretty easy, and one gets faster the more you do it. I do not do it often, so that is part of the reason it took me so long on this project.

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Snow globe shaker

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I worked at PostNL (postal service in the Netherlands) for nearly two years. The busiest time is always around Christmas. Even with the invention of the Internet and electronic mail, people still enjoy sending Christmas cards.


Today, the task’s theme for Hobby Alternatief is “Christmas”, so I decided to make a Christmas/winter card. I would categorize this card under “advanced” because I use a lot of techniques and tools that most beginner cardmakers would not have. The card itself didn’t take long to make, but the snow globe did take about an hour to make.

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