Flying by to say…

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Hi there! Got a quick little post here for you today. It’s a decently simple card where most of the work is the coloring!


This card took a little over an hour to make and it’s pretty easy. The skill is mostly in coloring and ink blending, and that’s something anyway can get good at with practice.

Continue reading “Flying by to say…”

HA January card sketch – Blooming!

Not having a lot of time to do everything on the (want) to do list can be rather stressful when you want to relax and craft! But when I get to craft, it can be uplifting!


Since I don’t have a lot of time to make this January card sketch, I kept is simple and easy. This card only took about 30-45 minutes to make.

Continue reading “HA January card sketch – Blooming!”

Get the message?

Hi to anyone that reads my craft blog! Happy New Year: 2020!

Normally I double blog, that is, I write the same post in Dutch for Hobby Alternatief (HA) and in English for my personal craft blog here. However, the last post was about my favorite (craft) tools, and I only wrote that for HA. I figured that I could translate it another time. But for the time being, here is a link to the post in Dutch: Emma’s favoriete craft tools! Even if you don’t understand Dutch, you could at least see the pictures! (Or use the nifty google translate tool on the side.) Continue reading “Get the message?”

A Happy Place

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It’s almost the end of the summer vacation; have you done anything nice? My mother-in-law bought a small caravan, so I made something for her to decorate her caravan.


This is a 3D image in a photo frame. It may look very difficult, but if you can make 3D cards, this is the same idea. This takes about two days to make, ultimately about 4 hours of work! Continue reading “A Happy Place”

Butterflies make everything beautiful!

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I think butterflies are really beautiful and I asked myself, “Why is that?” I think it is because butterflies are so symmetrical and people are generally attracted to things that are symmetrical. But I’m also a very analytical and have a scientific mind set.


The technique for today is “die cut monoprint”. Using this technique, I created two cards witht he butterfly monoprints, but you can also use the prints for a scrapbook or art journal. This easy technique takes about 15-20 minutes and the two cards took over an hour to make. Continue reading “Butterflies make everything beautiful!”

Shining flowers

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It is now the 6th month of 2019, time flies, doesn’t it? Stencils are a crafting supply that can be used with many techniques. They are also inexpensive or you could make them yourself! Today I will let you see one of the many techniques you can use with stencils. Let’s check out the card.


The yellow background is made with a stencil. The card took about an hour to make and it is pretty easy to do. Continue reading “Shining flowers”

Cute Bunny Easter card

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This year, Easter falls on April 21st. So I made an Easter card since it is also my task for Hobby Alternatief for today. But I don’t have anyone to give this card to, but would like to. Would you be interested in receiving this card? Then please look near the end to see how you can apply for a chance to get this card!


I felt this card was easy to make, but perhaps the small details make it a bit difficult too.  How easy or difficult a card is depends more on what you like or don’t like. I’m crazy about small details, that’s why I thought this card was easy to make. But because of the small details, it takes a lot of time to make a card for me, and this card took several hours to make. Continue reading “Cute Bunny Easter card”

You can’t Resist this technique!

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Good day! As always, thank you for your lovely comments on my last post.

Before I begin, I would like to share a little joke. When I first got the assignment for this card, I asked aloud, “What’s ‘color resist’?” My husband replies, “Make a black and white card and say that you resisted using colors.”  Well, I guess that’s one way to look at it! But I will stick to using my lovely colors….


So the card for today showcases the color resist technique. Unlike what my husband thinks, color resist is the resist of color going into the paper due to a layer of wax, an embossing/watermark ink, or a layer of melted embossing powder applied to the paper.  My card will showcase the latter: color resist with embossing powder.

This card is rather easy to do and takes about one hour or less to complete. Continue reading “You can’t Resist this technique!”